Thursday 28 June 2012

Research: Mike Moats

Mike Moats is a professional award winning nature photographer, he was from sterling heights Michigan. He enjoys taking close up images of natural things, for example, a leaf, he found a particular leaf which stuck out and did so many close ups of this leaf with different backgrounds testing it out and deciding on the best. Here are two examples of this leaf:

Mike Moats was inspired to do photography because of a series of events that took place in his life, he did mountain climbing, kayaking, and hiking through woods, every time he did one of these activities he would think about why he didn't have a camera to  capture these "Perfect moments" as he says in his blog, the final reason to make him decide to get into photography was because of a man named John Shaw, who had a book full of nature photography, he bought this book and was intrigued and exited to find out the equipment he needed to begin taking photographs.

Mike Moats' first camera was the Nike N80 film camera, he also bought a lot of different lenses, tripods etc to test out with as he was so inexperienced. In 2001 Moats decided to venture into the woods of Stony Creek Metro Park to take some images of the wildlife.
Moats was first interested in landscape photographers and how amazing it can be, but from realising that the area he was confined to he had a limited potential for landscapes like so many he had seen, so he began researching into "tiny landscapes" in which he loved, he sold his wide angle lenses and started taking some very amazing images using close up lenses.

Monday 25 June 2012

Welcome to my Reflective Journal for A level Photography

Genre Selection: Landscape, Close-ups

The reason I have chosen this is because I really love the amount of detail that can be taken with a camera at close up, for example a very close shot of a bumble bee sitting on a wet flower, the background blurred and just the bee, the flower and the stem are in detail and in focus.